Family Fun
Family Fun.iso
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Assembly Source File
239 lines
Include Page
Title Video 7
Include V_Part1.A
Ega_Style equ True ;
Mcga_Style equ True ;
; describe the adapter
db 7
; string 15 '....5....0....5'
db 'Video 7 '
db 7 ; number of modes
; mode 0
dw 800,600,16 ; screen dimensions, colors
db 6 ; 6 bit color
db Vga+false ; uses DAC, not simulation
db 80,60 ; PanH/V
; mode 1
dw 1024,768,16
db 6
db Vga+false
db 100,76
; mode 2
dw 320,400,256
db 6
db Vga+TRUE ; simulation
db 32,40
; mode 3
dw 640,400,256
db 6
db Vga+false
db 32,20
; mode 4
dw 640,480,256
db 6
db Vga+false
db 32,24
; mode 5
dw 640,480,256
db 6
db Vga+TRUE ; simulation
db 64,48
; mode 6
dw 800,600,256
db 6
db Vga+false
db 40,30
S_Wide label byte
db true ;
db true ;
db false ; double-wide
db true ;
db true ;
db true ;
db true ;
ModeSet label byte
db 62h ; Video7 SVGA 800x600x16
db 65h ; Video7 SVGA 1024x768x16
db 66h ; Video7 SVGA 640x400x256
db 66h ; Video7 SVGA 640x400x256
db 67h ; Video7 SVGA 640x480x256
db 66h ; Video7 SVGA 640x400x256
db 69h ; Video7 SVGA 800x600x256
Include V_Part2.A
Video7Ex equ 6F05h ; Video7 extended setmode
SetMode proc near
mov al,ModeSet[bx] ; the extended mode number
mov bl,al ; to bl
mov ax,Video7Ex ; set Video7 extended
int Video ; mode
SetMode endp
DisplayRow proc near
or al,al ; zero?
jz V0 ;
dec al ; one?
jz V1 ;
dec al ; two?
jz V2 ;
dec al ; three?
jz V3 ;
dec al ; four?
jz V4 ;
dec al ; five?
jz V5 ;
jmp short V6 ; six
V0: CalcEga 100 ; calc es:di and bank switch
jmp short V16 ;
V1: CalcEga 128 ; calc es:di and bank switch
jmp short V16 ;
V2: DoubleWide ; mode 2 is a simulation
V4: mov ax,640 ;
jmp V256 ;
V5: SkipOneRowOf 6 ; Simulate 640x480
mov ax,640 ;
jne V256 ; not row 5, display it
ret ; else skip
V6: mov ax,800 ;
jmp short V256 ;
V16: WriteEga ;
V256: DisplaySVGA ;
DisplayRow endp
New_BankSet equ false
; dx:ax is Video segment:offset, bank switch and set es:di
BankSet proc near
; set es:di
IF New_BankSet
mov di,ax ;
mov ax,GraphicsRAM ; A000
mov es,ax ; es:di -> A000:address
; bank switch
mov ax,dx ; bank number
cmp al,CurrentBank ; do we need to switch?
je Video7BankOk ;
mov CurrentBank,al ;
and ax,15 ;
mov bl,al ; save bank in BL <--
mov dx,3C4h ; could
mov ax,0EA06h ; this be
out dx,ax ; "enable extensions"?
; Set Bank for 256 color modes
; Routine: set_256_bank
; Entry: DX = bank to set and DS=CS
; Exit: Correct bank set, AX,BX,DX are
; destroyed. SC_INDEX has been changed.
; Assume: Extensions are enabled. The active page variable has
; been properly initialized with a call to this routine
; while DX=0.
SC_INDEX equ 3C4h
ER_PAGE_SEL equ 0F9h
ER_BANK_SEL equ 0F6h
mov dx,SC_INDEX ;bank bit 0
mov ah,bl
and ah,1
mov al,ER_PAGE_SEL
out dx,ax
mov ah,bl ;bank bit 1
and ah,2
shl ah,1
shl ah,1
shl ah,1
shl ah,1
in al,dx
and al,not 20h
or al,ah
out dx,al
mov dx,SC_INDEX ;bank bit 2.
mov al,ER_BANK_SEL
out dx,al ;get ER_BANK_SEL register
inc dx
in al,dx
mov ah,al
; duplicate bit 2 into bit 0 (set read and write bank equal)
shr bl,1
shr bl,1
add bl,7
not bl
and bl,5
and ah,0F0h ;clear bank select bits
or ah,bl
mov al,ah
out dx,al
mov di,ax ;
mov ax,GraphicsRAM ; A000
mov es,ax ; es:di -> A000:address
; bank switch
mov ax,dx ; bank number
cmp al,CurrentBank ; do we need to switch?
je Video7BankOk ;
mov CurrentBank,al ;
and ax,15 ;
mov ch,al
mov dx,3C4h
mov ax,0EA06h
out dx,ax
mov ah,ch
and ah,1
mov al,0F9h
out dx,ax
mov al,ch
and al,1100b
mov ah,al
shr ah,1
shr ah,1
or ah,al
mov al,0F6h
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
dec dx
and al,not 1111b
or ah,al
mov al,0F6h
out dx,ax
mov ah,ch
mov cl,4
shl ah,cl
and ah,100000b
mov dl,0CCh
in al,dx
mov dl,0C2h
and al,not 100000b
or al,ah
out dx,al
Video7BankOk: ret
BankSet endp